The Meaning Behind My Business Name and Phrase

In ancient and medieval philosophy there is the word “Quintessence” and it is referred to the magical fifth element of “aether” or “ether”. Through other self healing modalities I have studied I believe Quintessence is a purer form that can come out of a life of true simplicity and of course love. Not an easy task. However, the word and meaning around simplicity has had great meaning and realization for me. One of my goals is helping people rediscover that love inside them, so I wanted both the word “love” and this element in the business name. Therefore, “Loving Aether” is in my title and “Quintessence” is in the sentence that compliments the name.

Janette’s Story

Welcome! I’m Janette, the founder of The Loving Aether and a Rose Priestess. I am also a certified Rose Initiation Practitioner, Sound Healer and Reiki Master in British Columbia, Canada. My soul’s intention through my business is to help people uncover their own authentic light that lives in their core. To shine their true nature for themselves and others, so that one day everyone living on Earth will be living in full Love and Oneness.

There was a time I wasn’t always convinced about holistic modalities and my belief system used to be more black and white. The beliefs I held, reflected the reactions I had and therefore influenced the decisions I made. So, I struggled more than I needed to and rarely had enough energy to do the things I enjoyed. The programs, patterns and loops in my head kept growing and it started to affect me mentally, emotionally and eventually physically. After always looking for other people within the health care system to “fix me” for so long, I had an eye opening moment that made me realize I was the only one who could truly heal and help myself.

Still always allowing outside support, I discovered many different “you can heal your life” teachings, books, courses and groups. Learning the only way I was going feel better (no matter the ailment) was to simply change the thoughts in my mind; deciding to change the deep seated beliefs I held that had lead to me reacting negatively to a situation; creating a ripple effect that started to balance my emotions and physical body. It took a little time and a lot of practice, but that’s what I did. Once I took full responsibility for my thoughts and emotions I really started to feel healthier and happier. All the positive, loving emotions I thought were missing, I realized had never left me at all. They were just buried under energy blocks that were created by my old patterned thoughts.

Within my time of healing, I discovered other healing modalities that became an amazing assist to the healing I was already doing. Sound Healing, Reiki, Rose Healing and my Kinetic Neural Cleanse gave me more tools to support me. Personally experiencing the growth I felt in my own journey with them, lead me to learning them fully myself so I can give these amazing supports to others who are going through similar challenges as I was. They helped me let go and move through negative blocks and programs I didn’t even know I had. Today, everything feels lighter and loving within myself and that energy grows outside of myself more and more everyday. I will always be learning and expanding for the rest of my life and I get to do that along side helping many beautiful people along their journey.

Sending everyone love and light!