What Is A Rose Healing & Initiation?

As a certified Rose Initiation Practitioner I present to you these three beautiful Rose Healing & Initiation Sessions that use the energies of the White, Pink and Red Roses to help cleanse your energies, deepen your relationship with yourself and connect you to walking the path of the Divine Feminine; as well as initiate you with the codes for Christ Consciousness. The Rose has the highest frequency of all flowers and is a symbol of union between the Feminine and Masculine energies; the thorns on the stem representing the Masculine and soft petals representing the Feminine. The head of the rose and its petals are used in these sessions to heal and grow the feminine side of our energies, bringing back balance; since most of us live a very masculine lifestyle, in a very heavily masculine society.

*Side Note: These sessions and information presented here are not connected with how we see religion today, but with how it was before the year 1095 CE when the Catholic crusades began. “Christ Consciousness” is the Holy Grail; when you shine your authentic light and awaken 100% to the Love you have always been and transmit that around the world for others to awaken in. Jesus Christ was the first witnessed Human Being to achieve this state and therefore was named after him.

These sessions are for people who have just started their Awakening Journey or have already been on it for a while. It can be a bit confusing and overwhelming for people who are just starting to grow their self-awareness; knowing they need to make a lot of changes within themself and around them. It’s also very normal to be on this journey for awhile and get stuck, wondering why nothing in their life feels like it’s changing or evolving toward what their soul is meant to accomplish in this lifetime. In both these situations it’s understandable to look for support and guidance which is what these Rose Healing Sessions provide. They are also initiations that seed us with the Divine Christ Consciousness Codes that support us to bloom into our Divine Soul’s Purpose and embody our authentic selves rooted in Love. Support doesn’t just have to come from physical people and tools but also Beings of Light. More specifically the Ascended Masters, that govern the Rose Healing Sessions and who will be beside you, helping you along your journey even long after you complete all three Rose Initiations.

I too am on this journey and have received the same Initiation/Healing Sessions I am offering you now. They have been a great support to me when I needed help healing areas of my life and I receive guidance in ways I didn’t have before. I have moved through many layers of myself as I continue to uncover more and more of my authentic energy, and as a mirrored effect I continue to get closer to what my Soul’s Purpose is in this world. I completely understand that process so I am also here to support you on this journey as well.

Each Rose Healing Session begins with a short, bonus energy transmission that will help you within the healing process that each Rose represents, from other Beings of Light supporting you on this journey. The White Rose is preceded with a transmission from the Angels, The Pink Rose is preceded with a transmission from the Ancestors and the Red Rose is preceded with a transmission from the Dragons.

These three sessions have a minimum of a one to two week gap between them to help you integrate these energies. They are to be done in order, starting with the White and ending with the Red but you don’t have to move onto the next Rose if you feel you are not ready yet. The other nice thing about these sessions, is you don’t have to do them only once; even if you have completed all three Roses you can come back and do them as often as you feel you need. At the end of each session I will ground your energies with a short playing of a Crystal Singing Bowl.

Art By EKH Pictures

Art By Magdalene Rose Temple

White Rose Healing Session

An Angel Opening:

At the beginning of the session I will be asking you to lie down, close your eyes and get comfortable. I will then be calling in the Angels to help open your heart and energy to be able to deeply integrate the codes and healing energies that will come with the White Rose Session. In this short transmission you will feel the support and Love from these Angelic beings as they prepare you for the initiation and integration of the White Rose Christ Light and the Holy Sophia Christ Codes.

The White Rose:

When we transition into the White Rose Healing you will continue to lie there comfortably with your eyes closed. If you are attending for an in-person session I will be physically anointing you with water charged with White Rose frequencies and will briefly need access to your skin for all seven Chakra points except your Root which I can anoint in the air. I will be placing crystals and rose petals on and around you while guiding the energy transmission. If you are attending a virtual session I will be guiding you on an etheric journey through your mind’s eye, with Ascended Master Mother Mary to her White Crystalline Temple where she initiates your White Rose Healing.

The White Rose is governed by Ascended Master Mother Mary as she supports you with the purifying and cleansing of your mind, body and soul. This first session helps you to let go of the defensive barriers and blocks around the heart, and start to release karmic and genetic wounding in the body. This creates space to let more light into your cells, so your responses in life situations come with more peace and stability; giving you days that feel more at ease.

Art From Love Changes Everything

Art By Magdalene Rose Temple

Pink Rose Healing Session

Ancestral Connection:

At the beginning of the session I will be asking you to lie down, close your eyes and get comfortable. Then I will be calling in the Ancestors to reinforce your connection with them, so they can work closer with you when it comes to healing the really deep ancestral and genetic core wounding. Helping you to open up pathways that allow you to connect deeper into your heart and soul; supporting the Pink Rose energies. In this short transmission you will feel the support and Love from your ancestral families as they stand by you for the initiation of the Pink Rose Christ Light Codes and connection to the elemental energies.

The Pink Rose:

When we transition into the Pink Rose Healing Session you will continue to lie comfortably with your eyes closed. If you are attending for an in-person session I will be physically anointing you with Rose Essential Oil directly onto your skin at your Heart, Third Eye and the tops of both your feet. I will be placing crystals and rose petals on and around you while guiding the energy transmission. If you are attending a distant session I will be guiding you on an etheric journey with Ascended Master Lady Nada to her Pink Crystalline Temple where she initiates your Pink Rose Healing.

The Pink Rose is governed by Ascended Master Lady Nada as she supports you to open up your 5th Dimensional Crystalline Heart and Unconditional Love. This second session supports you to release even deeper unresolved emotional trauma from Ancestral karma so you are able to connect deeper into your authentic self, making a closer connection with your heart and soul. This will clear a path to hear the callings of your Higher Self and move toward your Soul’s Purpose in this life.

Art From ask-angels.com

Art By Magdalene Rose Temple

Red Rose Healing Session

Dragon Activation:

At the beginning of the session I will be asking you to lie down, close your eyes and get comfortable. Then I will be calling in the Dragons to support the clearing of stubborn blocks within your heart and womb space, by activating the Dragon Fire within you. In this short transmission you may feel the Dragon Fire move through you, as well as the majestic grace these Elemental Beings radiate; supporting the initiation for the Red Rose Christ Light Codes and the path of the Holy Grail.

The Red Rose:

When we transition into the Red Rose Healing Session you will continue to lie comfortably with your eyes closed. If you are attending for an in-person session I will be physically anointing you with Spikenard Essential Oil and will briefly need access to your skin for your Heart, Third Eye and Womb. I will be placing crystals and rose petals on and around you while guiding the energy transmission. If you are attending a distant session I will be guiding you on an etheric journey with Ascended Master Mary Magdalene to her Red Crystalline Temple where she initiates your Red Rose Healing.

The Red Rose is governed by Ascended Master Mary Magdalene as she supports you in healing the deepest parts of your heart and womb. This third session helps to release deeper blocks of abusive energies from your womb and yoni, past life wounds and karmic relationship cords. Assisting you to restore the light of your Feminine Essence and stand in your Sacred Self-Empowerment. When these energies open up you have simpler access to your own portal of creation that lies in the center of your womb, allowing for smoother manifestation of all your creations.

*Side Note: For people who have had a hysterectomy, while you won’t have a physical womb, you do still have an energetic womb with all the same cycling of balanced and unbalanced energies. Surgery can never make energies disappear, but learning the karmic lessons within those energy imbalances will help them release. Womb healing is still a very important process for everyone.*


Scroll down for some insight into the Ascended Masters that will be supporting you in these sessions.

The Ascended Masters

Mother Mary

She is normally considered a Divine Mother or Spiritual Mother; of course being the Mother of Jesus. Mary had many incarnations before completing her healing and becoming a Master at cleansing her mind, body and soul of all densities to bear her son Jesus. Therefore, he could come through without having to heal genetic karma from Mary; so it didn’t take him a full lifetime to heal himself and begin his soul’s work on Earth as his full authentic self. She now consistently nurtures and tutors all our souls to become masters at cleansing and purifying ourselves so we can hold the Christ Consciousness and become the beacons of light that we truly are.

Art By FranciscoGomes

Lady Nada

Lady Nada is most known for being Atlantean, and the head of all the Atlantean High Priestess’. She is very crystalline and elemental in her energy, and quite advanced with the crystalline technology of the Earth. She has a strong connection to the Elemental Realms and works closely with them to sustain the Earth’s Crystalline Grid. Therefore, she is the keeper and guardian of the Atlantean Crystalline Grid and Christ Codes of Atlantis. She holds the consciousness of Atlantis when it was at its peak, and supports the people and planet now to make the shifts and evolve into crystalline consciousness.

Art By MokashaWellbeingUK, Etsy.com

Mary Magdalene

She is best known for her life spent with Jesus as his student and then as an equal and companion. Helping him spread the teachings of the Christ Consciousness. She was the first to witness his resurrection and therefore is known as the Apostle to the Apostles. She reminds us that we can be fully human and fully divine, supporting and guiding each of us on our journey to clear karmic wounds and become our true selves as she did. Mary Magdalene has a strong presence and calling on her feels like a loving friend who is there for you helping however she can.

Click below to schedule a session or book a free 20min Discovery Call.

Uncovering your authentic light.